Does Your Car Need A Brake Check? Recognize Early Signs


We don't have to drum up the significance of the brake for our readers. Car owners know that the brake is one of the most critical components of a vehicle. It is directly related to your road safety. So ensuring that your brakes are working properly is something every driver should be concerned with. 

But do you need to check your brakes daily? How often should you inspect them? Is there a way to know whether your car even needs a brake check? If you are someone with similar questions, then you are at the right place, as the following blog discusses a few early signs you should recognize and go for a brake check. 

When To Do A Brake Check?

As explained above, your brake system is a core of your car and tied directly to your safety. Thus, it is important that you keep it properly maintained. Especially if you are due for your MOT Warwick. Here are the signs that will help you distinguish whether your brakes need immediate service or not.

Undue Noise

The easiest signal to distinguish is a strange grinding sound coming from your brakes. If you are driving, and you apply the brakes, if you hear this undue noise, it can only mean that your brake pads have completely worn out and are rubbing against the rotors. If left unchecked, it will damage your rotors and cause your brakes to fail. Ultimately, repairing such damage will cost much more than what it would have cost to simply get the pads changed. If you do not wish to spend excessively on your brakes, get your car checked as soon as you hear this grinding noise. 

To be sure, you can even check your car yourself. Just look through the spokes of your wheel, and you'll find a piece of metal sticking out from your brake pads. For better access, you can remove your tyres. Also, note that such sound can also be a result of glazed rotors. It is something that happens due to excessive braking habits. If you look at your rotors and find blue marks or rings, then it's likely that you'll need new rotors.


Vibrations are also a common sign of faulty brakes. When you apply brakes and feel strange vibrations, it is likely that your brakes are going bad. Such vibrations differ in intensity. Sometimes they can be barely noticeable, while other times, you can feel your entire car vibrating. If you are also experiencing these strange vibrations, then it is pertinent that you take your car to a reputed mechanic as soon as you can.

Burnt Smell

Sometimes you can also tell your brakes are done by smell. Yes, if you keep smelling a burnt smell, especially while braking, chances are that your pads have become overheated and are melting, thus producing the smell. If this happens, pull over to a side and let your car cool down. However, if you also notice smoke along with smell, then hurry and call for help as it can be something much more significant. 

Fluids Leaking

Leaking fluids are an obvious sign that there is something wrong with your brakes and that they need care. Brake fluids are there to help your brakes work properly. They act as lubricants and keep the brakes working fine. However, if there is a leak, the fluid will flow out, hampering the overall capabilities of your brakes. 

Car Pulls To A Side

If your car pulls to one side when braking, it means there is a problem. It can be either related to the brakes or issues with your wheel alignment. However, it is something that you should get checked out as soon as possible, as it can be pretty dangerous to drive such a car. A faulty brake, such as a damaged lining or impure brake fluid, can also cause your car to pull to one side.

Unresponsive Brakes

It is obvious that unresponsive brakes mean there is something wrong with your brakes. If your car takes longer to come to a stop after braking, then you should definitely get it checked. When you have unresponsive brakes, you will find yourself pushing the brake pedal to the floor for the car to finally stop. It can lead to serious consequences as it will reduce your control over your car. 

Warning Light

Lastly, we have the most obvious sign, which is your brake system warning light. Your dashboard comes with a ton of indicators and warning lights. One such light is there to denote something is wrong with your brakes. Whenever this light comes on, you should hurry and take your car to a garage to get your brakes checked. Oftentimes people ignore this light, thinking that it is a minute problem. And they can be right. However, this little thing can develop into a major issue if ignored, costing you money and your safety. 

Today, cars come equipped with this warning light (which is separate from the ABS light). Normally, it lights up when your parking/emergency brakes are engaged. But if you find this light on even when your brakes aren't active, you should seek out professional help.


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